Team FastEddy Thin Hinge Pin Shims Properly shimmed hinge pins are a must for anyone driving an HPI Baja. There is excessive play in all the Baja hinge pins. This allows the pin to slam back and forth and damage the c-clips. This is the leading cause of the c-clip getting damaged and falling off. Properly installing shims will reduce this issue to close to zero. There in many cases is a lot of play front to back in the a-arms. Properly placed shims will also take care of this issue as well. Using the proper thickness shim is important. Team FastEddy offeres 3 different thiknesses to help insure you get the proper fit. Each Kit includes (10) Hinge Pin Shims.
3 different kits to choose from.
Thick Kit (10) units 1mm
Medium Kit (10) units